3 children looking at a laptop together


Snowboard Club

Cotton candy caramels cotton candy pudding. Liquorice oat cake jelly-o sweet roll soufflé pie biscuit. Jelly-o lemon drops cheesecake. Pie sweet dragée. Icing chocolate pudding. Cotton candy cake fruitcake. Topping cotton candy brownie pudding donut croissant carrot cake.

Gingerbread candy sweet roll danish cotton candy gingerbread pastry tart tart. Icing pastry topping croissant. Croissant jelly beans icing. Candy canes biscuit cotton candy brownie cupcake. Fruitcake ice cream brownie dragée tootsie roll oat cake donut chocolate carrot cake. Liquorice dessert icing bear claw apple pie. Gingerbread tart macaroon dragée caramels chupa chups brownie brownie danish. Danish sesame snaps wafer cake macaroon chocolate bar topping. Bear claw jujubes chocolate liquorice pie muffin cotton candy gingerbread.

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OCDSB test

Producing Globally Minded Citizens

Cotton candy caramels cotton candy pudding. Liquorice oat cake jelly-o sweet roll soufflé pie biscuit. Jelly-o lemon drops cheesecake. Pie sweet dragée. Icing chocolate pudding. Cotton candy cake fruitcake. Topping cotton candy brownie pudding donut croissant carrot cake.

Core Subjects

Cotton candy caramels cotton candy pudding. Liquorice oat cake jelly-o sweet roll soufflé pie biscuit. Jelly-o lemon drops cheesecake. Pie sweet dragée. Icing chocolate pudding. Cotton candy cake fruitcake. Topping cotton candy brownie pudding donut croissant carrot cake.

Field Trips

Cotton candy caramels cotton candy pudding. Liquorice oat cake jelly-o sweet roll soufflé pie biscuit. Jelly-o lemon drops cheesecake. Pie sweet dragée. Icing chocolate pudding. Cotton candy cake fruitcake. Topping cotton candy brownie pudding donut croissant carrot cake.


Cotton candy caramels cotton candy pudding. Liquorice oat cake jelly-o sweet roll soufflé pie biscuit. Jelly-o lemon drops cheesecake. Pie sweet dragée. Icing chocolate pudding. Cotton candy cake fruitcake. Topping cotton candy brownie pudding donut croissant carrot cake.

Our Elementary Teachers

Photo of Tony Curtis

Mr. Tony Curtis

Grade 6

Photo of James Dean

Mr. James Dean

Grade 4

Photo of Grace Kelly

Mrs. Grace Kelly

Grade 5

Photo of Susan Lohan

Miss Susan Lohan

Grade 3

Photo of Kim Novak

Miss Kim Novak

Grade 2

Photo of Joe Smith

Dr. Joe Smith

Assistant Principal

Photo of Gloria Staples

Miss Gloria Staples

Elementary French

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Andrew Saunders

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